ICE+, a thirst-stopping beverage, was launched in the Vietnamese market. It has established a unique position by expressing the freshly squeezed natural fruit juice flash-frozen at -18℃ and the sense of speed to quickly quench thirst.
ICE+” is a thirst-quenching beverage launched in the Vietnamese market in 2011. It contains freshly squeezed natural fruit juice flash-frozen at -18℃ to provide a refreshing fruit flavor while at the same time providing vitamins and minerals. It is available in two flavors: Citrus, a mix of citrus fruits, and Peach, a peach flavor, and is sold at supermarkets in Vietnam.
Since “ICE+” is a thirst-quenching beverage that can be gulped down, the packaging was designed to look cool, refreshing, and crisp. The strong, diagonal logo expresses a sense of speed in quickly quenching thirst. The fruit illustration is prominently displayed to create a sense of fruity deliciousness.