An interview with Fumi Sasada, President of ASPaC, was published in “The Daily Jakarta Shimbun” in Indonesia.
ASPaC promotes international exchange programs with the aim of “fostering the power of young artisans to pioneer the future and to spread their wings to the world through international exchange among students studying design in Asian countries.
One of these activities is the annual “ASPaC Awards (Japan-Asia Student Package Design Competition),” in which students from nine Asian countries and regions, including Japan, compete in package design competitions on the same theme.
Our representative, Fumi Sasada, was appointed as the President of ASPaC Association in 2016 and visited Istanbul to participate in the awareness event and workshops, as the call for applications for the ASPaC Awards 2018 Indonesia Qualifiers has started.
Speaking to a newspaper interview at a university in the North Jakarta district, he said of his future prospects, ‘With the expansion of the middle class and the rapid growth of the e-commerce market in Indonesia, package design will also develop significantly in the coming years.